Thursday, May 6, 2010

Internship Vocabulary

Advisor - Asesor

Definition: is a person who offers other people helpful advice.

Own Language: es una persona que da consejos en particular.

Sentence: “An advisor, help the student get ideas to get scholarship and financial aid”

Appropriate - Apropiado

Definition: is when something suitable for a particular person or place or condition.

Own Language: es cuando algo es adecuado para observar o realizar.

Sentence: “When people are discussing a topic, it is appropriate to raise their hand to ask several questions”

Attitude ¬- Actitud

Definition: is the way a person behaves with other people showing feeling like aggression, depression, etc.

Own Language: es el comportamiento de una persona con otra mostrando ciertas emociones.

Sentence: "When a scholar comes to visit a foreign school and has to talk with a person of a higher rank, he has to show a happy and grateful attitude for being there"

Colleague - Colega

Definition: a person who is a partner of one's class, profession, or activity.

Own Language: es la persona, pareja, o compañero con la cual trabajas en clases, atividades, o profesión.

Sentence: "When you are in college, your colleague helps you a lot if you are missing any notes from a class"

Cover letter - Letra de cubierta

Definition: is a business letter written to a talk more about you self and to express your interest in and qualifications for a position.

Own Language: es una carta donde describes tus posiciones y hablas mas de tu personalidad en la cual quieres tratar para buscar un empleo.

Sentence: "MacDonald’s are looking for employer; please send resume and cover letter for full Information"

Co-worker - Compañero de trabajo

Definition: is a colleague; is a person that you work with.

Own Language: un compañero con la cual trabajas.

Sentence: "Mr. Michael co-worker is Mr. Jon, they help each other when making arrangements for trips and passages"

Criticism ¬- Criticas

Definition: when a person doesn’t approve or judge someone or something that has been expressed or passed.

Own Language: es cuando la/las personas no quieren aprobar o están juzgando un cierto o expresado en juicio.

Sentence: "There were many criticisms when the Governor Patterson wanted to take away student's metro cards, people said it was unfair"

Discrimination - Discriminación

Definition: is when a person receives an unfair treatment of another person or group.

Own Language: es cuando una persona recibe una tratamiento de cierto rango brutal de otros grupo o personas.

Sentence: "Many African-American received a lot of discrimination when they were working on farm because of disobedience and force of fighting"

Duty - Deber

Definition: is a thing that a person is obligated to do an assigned, task, or occupation.

Own Language: es cuando una persona a sido mandado/da a realizar deberes de trabajo, ocupación o simple hogareños.

Sentence: "An officer duty is to serve, and protect justice from the bad people"

Employee - Empleado

Definition: is a worker who has been hired to a job and provides labor to a company or another person.

Own Language: es una persona que ha sido alquilado para trabajar para una compañía o otra persona.

Sentence: "When you are hired and become an employee, try to get the attention of many co-workers so they can trust you and count on you for many great things"

Employer - Patron

Definition: is a person that hires the employee to work and make contracts to pay the employees.

Own Language: es una persona de alto nivel que tiene la capacidad de alquilar un empleado para hacer mas ganancias para sus provechos.

Sentence: "Sometimes when an employer is going to hired employees, he just asks for their resume to know their academic standard and what can they do at a respective working field"

Evaluate - Evaluar

Definition: is to find the significance of someone or something by testing it in a variety of exams.

Own Language: es hallar un significado comun en una persona o cosa haciendo una variedad de examenes.

Sentence: "International High Schools, often evaluate the students that come from different countries to know what academic level are they on"

Evaluation - Evaluación

Definition: is to do an assessment of the value of something or someone.

Own Language: es realizar un examen para saber o tomar en cuenta el valor de algo o alguien.

Sentence: "The SAT evaluation is done to know if students are prepare to enter college"

Flexible - Flexible

Definition: is when an attribute of various types of systems or fields can be adapted.

Own Language: es cuando las personas adaptan cusos de systemas or campos de conocimientos e aprendizajes.

Sentence: "When a person is learning the carrier of doctoral, the flexible a person gets involved in many classes, the more knowledge that person gets in the doctoral field"

Harassment - Acoso

Definition: is when a person is being persistent and attacks or criticizes a person making that person felt unsecured and tormented.

Own Language: es cuando una persona trata a su projimo en una forma violenta y/o comienza a criticar a la persona haciendo la persona sentir incomoda/do o asustada/do.

Sentence: "In the streets, there are some boys that always whistle to beautiful girls that walk by. Then the boys just follow her and start to talk to the girl in an evasive way making the girls feel scared and harassed"

"Some police most of the time arrest men for sexual harassment"

Initiative - Iniciativa

Definition: is the first step of a series of actions that is going to be done.

Own Language: es el primer movimiento o acción que va a ser realizado.

Sentence: "When a student is beginning to go to college, the initiative is to get tutors and teachers after class on schedule for a big hand"

Novice - Principiante

Definition: is a person who is new in a field or activities.

Own Language: es una persona que esta comensando un nuevo camino o en una nueva actividad.

Sentence: "When you graduate from elementary to high school, you are being a novice because you are entering a new path of education"

Proactive - Dinámico

Definition: is when a person is acting in advance to deal with an expected change or difficulty.

Own Language: es cuando un persona esta por pasar un acuerdo para hacer frente a un cambio esperado o dificultad.

Sentence: "Services should become more proactive in their approach to service provision"

Qualifications - Calificaciones

Definition: is trying to get success in satisfying a requirement; it could also mean an ability or attribute that gives a person a chance of qualifying.

Own Language: es cuande alguien tiene un chance de ser calificado en un requisito necesario.

Sentence: "There are many seniors that are applying for Scholarship but maybe half will get qualified"
"In order to get qualifications you need to pass all the regents with at least 65 and up"

Recommendation - Recomendación

Definition: is when a person show that he/she is worthy or desirable of working in a good way that is also influences to others.

Own Language: es cuando una persona es favorable de sacar provecho en un empleo dejando influencia con otras personas que querrán tener sabiduría.

Sentences: "The girl personality is already a recommendation for the job because she is well prepared"

References - Referencia

Definition: it means to indicate something else.

Own Language: significa la indicacion de otra cosa en uso.

Sentences: "When you are going to buy a car, ask for references about it to know what you are driveng"

Reliable - Confiable

Definition: is when someone or something is faithful, worthy of reliance or trust.

Own Lnguage: es cuando una persona es buena gente, digno de confianza o de confianza puede ser contado para ser confiado.

Sentence: "The best person that could be reliable to you are your best friends and/or your parents"

Salary - Sueldo

Definition: is an adequate amount of money paid to a worker, usually measured on a monthly or annual basis.

Own Language: es una cantidad de dinero que se cede a los trabajadores usualmente semanal, mensual, o anual.

Sentence: "When you are working in the NAVY, you mostly get a salary of approximately $30000"

Task - Tarea

Definition: is a specific piece of work required to be done as part of one’s duties.

Own Language: es una tarea especifica que se debe de realizar como parte de deberes de una persona.

Sentence: "On the regents preparation, teachers always Sais to pay close attention to the task because if you don't, you will not know what to do"

Wages - Salarios

Definition: it is the wealth people get from working over a period of time, usually financial.

Own Language: son las ganancias de un empleado por trabajar durante un periodo do tiempo, la paga usualmente es financial.

Sentence: "Every week, most people get their wages from working hard on their current positions"

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work! I know it took you a long time to get this done, but the work paid off.
